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Jeuveau vs. Botox: What’s the Difference?

Jeuveau vs. Botox

Jeuveau vs. Botox: What’s the Difference? Jeuveau vs. Botox: What’s the Difference?Jeuveau is relatively recent neuromodulator injection like Botox, which is designed to reduce expression lines on your face, such as horizontal lines on your forehead, frown lines between the brows, and crow’s feet around your eyes.

Although Botox has been around for nearly three decades and continues to be the number one cosmetic med spa facial anti-aging procedure, Jeuveau promises similar results for people who may be seeking alternatives to Botox.

Dr. Q Medical Spa, led by board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Suzanne Quardt (Dr. Q) provides cosmetic injectable treatments for the face to patients in Palm Springs, Palm Desert, Rancho Mirage, Beverly Hills, CA, and surrounding locations.

What is Jeuveau?

Similar to Botox, the active ingredient present in Jeauveau anti-wrinkle formulation is botulinum neurotoxin type A. This is the most potent biological compound that is used in minimal quantities to produce near-instant wrinkle and line removal results. Jeuveau is a safe and predictable injection treatment, just like Botox. It has also won the FDA’s approval for the cosmetic reduction of glabellar lines (frown lines) on the face.

Jeuveau and Botox: Similarities

Same as Botox the new Jeuveau neuromodulator injection works on the principle of temporary immobilizing the overactive wrinkle-causing facial muscles. As soon as the formulation is injected directly into the underlying muscle, it will cause the muscle to soften and the wrinkle on the surface of the skin will get erased or will at least diminish.

Another similarity is that the time taken to perform Jeuveau injection procedure is also about 15 minutes, just like Botox. The appearance of results and their longevity is also similar. Your Jeuveau results will become quickly visible after the treatment, and can last for up to three to four months with a single injection procedure.

The treatment is completely safe and approved, as long as it is administered by a certified and experienced injection provider.

Jeuveau and Botox: Differences

Although the active ingredient Jeuveau and Botox is the same (botulinum toxin type A), the purification and preparation process differs between the two neuromodulators. Owing to this distinction between the two, it is possible that some patients may achieve superior results with Jeuveau compared to Botox. It will depend on the patient’s past experience with Botox injections.

Over the years, Botox has earned the FDA’s approval for multiple aesthetic as well as medical concerns. Jeuveau, on the other hand, has only been approved for the frown lines in the upper face as of now. Therefore, if you want to choose Jeuveau for off-label cosmetic wrinkle reduction in different parts of the face, you should work with an experienced plastic surgeon.

Which One Should You Choose?

Whether you are a better candidate for Jeuveau or Botox injectable treatment is a question that an experienced medical spa treatment provider can answer for you. They will assess the unique condition of your facial signs of aging, including the dynamic wrinkles and lines. They will ask about your previous experience or history with Botox injections, if any.

Based on your inputs, personal goals, treatment history, and the extent of your facial aging signs, your injection expert will recommend Jeuveau or Botox for you. In any case, the final results will ultimately depend on the experience and skill of your injection provider. Dr. Q Medical Spa receives patients from Palm Springs, Palm Desert, Rancho Mirage, Beverly Hills, CA, and nearby areas for Jeuveau injections.

Contact Dr. Q Medical Spa and Schedule a Consultation with California Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Suzanne Quardt (Dr. Q on Dr. 90210)

For more information on Plastic Surgery and Non-Surgical Medical Spa Procedures and Treatments, please contact the offices of Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Suzanne Quardt (Dr. Q) by clicking here or calling 760-324-2660.

See Dr. Q on Dr. 90210

Dr. Q receives patients from Palm Springs, Palm Desert, Rancho Mirage, Beverly Hills CA, and other Southern California areas.

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